How to register ?

Click on the button "MyParticipation" in the left
left frame. (a new side will be open)
If you are not registered click on "register me"
Enter your personal participant name
ex: Valerie.bird (all characters possible)
Now choose your password
ex: meadow395 (it will be shown as *********)
Then retype your password in the next line
In the hint-line you can type a name or word
in case you have forgotten your password. This is optional!
Now fill in your name (or alias)
Choose your sex or group
Than select your country. Mind the fact that some countries
are covering several zones. Please make sure to choose the right zone.
Now you can select the language your concept will be written in.
This will be important if you type any specific characters. Ex: ö, ä, â...
Now you must save the form! Click on "save" to proceed.

On the following page you will be welcomed to the virtual mine.
To feed the mine with your concept and your images click on "edit concept".

Name your concept!
Fill in the description of your concept.
Now click on "save concept" to update.
Do you want to insert one or more descriptional pictures?
Click on "upload a new picture"!
Name the picture and browse the hard disc for a jpg or gif file.
Any others will not be loaded!
You can mark one picture as your favorite.
It will show up in your short-profile. Click on "mark as featured".
To insert more pictures continue with the same procedure up to 200k.

To leave the page click on "exit".
Now you can explore the virtual mine (your concept, other concepts),
therefore you can either logoff and navigate through the menue
or use the quick-search modus "looking for other participants".

If you want to modify your concept enter your participant ID, password
and than change your data as desired.

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