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fear (Cool link)
Fear dealing with freedom thema in South Africa at the opposite side on earth from my home
heart time (Project page)
Heart Time / Time Heat:

 Member ID: valerygrancher
 Name: Valery Grancher
 Age: 33
 Gender: male
 Registration date: 2001-03-22 20:59
 Zone: 4
 Country: France
 Project: Fear

Fear dealing with freedom thema in South Africa and opposite side on earth from my home: You will find a page with a sentences "I had a dream" and then various language from the different ethnic community native form South Africa (some of them has disapeared) and then there is a time counter ! a crazy one meaning infinity future or past, you can't know how to deal with it. When you click in you open a new window with images which are changing: all the images are coming on real time from numerous webcams in south africa: it is showing natural wildlife. The sentences meaning with these images are meaning one thing: the native south african has quite the same situation after apartheid than the animal we can see through the webcams, instead natural park, they have townships !!!! What we are seeing is freedom mirage. Regarding this situation, South Africa has became one of the most snobish destination in tourism industry Heart Time / Time Heat: "Heart Time // Time heat" est un nouveau type de miroir humain: Ce miroir interagit avec une nouveau concept temporel. Que devrait etre le temps universel? l'actuel regule par le GMT ? Mais comment pourrait il etre mesure si quelqu'un voyageait de la Terre vers Mars, ou dans l'univers en allant d'une galaxie a une autre ? Est ce que cette echelle basee sur les nuits et le jours aurait un sens dans ce contexte ? Je ne pense pas mais quelle serait la solution ? J'en ai pense une: il y a une echelle temporelle specifique a chaque etre humain, ce concept est universel a l'espace humain dans tous les espaces physique et dans toutes les galaxies, simplement parce que l'origine de ce temps propre est la naissance, et sa fin, la mort de l'individu. L'individu, l'etre devient un cycle temporel unqiue et dynamique par ses cycles constitutifs. Je parle du temps cardiaque: - chaque seconde cardiaque est l'intervalle entre chaque battement de coeur - chaque minute cradiaque est le pouls de la personne: pour un pouls de 70 pulsations /minutes, 1 minute cardiaque representera 70 secondes cardiaques. - chaque heure cardiaque est le pouls de la personne appliquee aux minutes cardiaques: soit pour un pouls de 70 pulsations cardiques; 1 heure cardiaque represente 70 minutes cardiaques - Chaque jour cardiaque represente 24 heures cardiaques Alors cette montre aurait elle un sens pour chacune des personnes la portant sur son poignet en traversant les galaxies ? est elle un concept universel a tous les humains ? sur le plan conceptuel, tres certainement ! mais d'un autre cote on a des decalages horaires entre chaque individu, c'est un temps personnel et relatif. Alors chaque personne peut desormais saisir son pouls actuel avec sa date de naissance, et son horloge personnelle sera generee en temps reel et sera sauvegardee sur le site. Chaque personne en sauvegardant son horloge propre upgradera une horloge globale moyenne de toutes les horloges enregistree. Cette horloge moyenne represente le temps propre a la communaute participant a ce projet ... Aussi chaque individu a egalement la possibilite de generer plusieurs horloges a differents moments, revelant le caractere relatif et dynamique du cycle onstitutif de son temps propre. Cette piece deconnecte le temps de l'espace pour le connecter au cycle humain, nous essayons de connecter le temps a une perception individuelle pour un moyen simple. This is an heart time and a time heat ! Heart Time / Time Heat: ------------------------------------------------ english version ------------------------------------------------ "Heart Time // Time heat" is a new kind of human miror: This miror is dealing with new kind of time. What should be universal time ? the actual one regulated by GMT ? But how this time may work if someone is travelling from Earth to Mars, or through universe toward another galaxy ? is this scale based on night and day may have a meaning in this context ? I guess not ! so what is the solution ? I thought about one: there is specific dynamic time scale for each human. This concepts is universal for all human in all spaces and universe, just because the origin is the birth of the person and the end the death. I'm talking about heart time: - each 'heart time' second is the heart bit - each 'heart time' minute is the person pulse number of heart bit - each 'heart time' hour is the person pulse number of heart minutes - each 'heart time' day is 24 heart hours ? So this clock may have a meaning for every person who have it on his wrist, in all context: another galaxy, planet or countries . Is it universal for all humans ? on conceptual level yes on the other hands there will be a jet lag in between each human, this is a personnal time . So we decided to create on the web this kind of human clock: everybody is able to put his actual pulse with his birthdate and his personnal clock will be generated on real time and will be saved on the website. Everybody by saving their own clock will all together generate the community clock based on all clock average result. Each folk is able to generate sveral clock at diffrent date and time, revealing the dynamism and relativuty of his basic own time cycle... This piece is disconnectig time to space to connect time to human cycle, we try to connect time to personnal feeling on a very simple way . This is an heart time and a time heat !
