This is an interactive network installation for tactile communication on a world wide scale.
Development of information technology enables us to learn things about places all over the world we normally would not know about. We are able to contact people in distant places easily and directly by telephone or email on a daily basis. But we cannot deny that we still have a difficulty communicating across different languages.
How can we feel or communicate with people with different languages and cultures even when information technology has made them seem so close?
[About this installation]
Imagine a pole piercing the earth. One end emerges in Gegenort in Neunkirchen and the other at a public space in Tokyo.
You can push and pull this pole on one side of the earth and someone on the other side may push back to you.
You can also see the motion of the pole and of the audiences you communicate with on the other side of the earth. They may manipulate the pole like you or not like you. Regardless, the motion you make invites others to join in.
This installation consists of a pair poles, 50 cm long, representing two ends of an imaginary bar passing through the earth. One pole resides at Gegenort in Neunkirchen, the other at a public space in Tokyo. Each pole has sensors and a motor. A computer detects the movement of a pole and sends it thorough the internet to the other side. Audiences, then, communicate through interaction of the poles. A screen projects an image of a container on the wall at each site. These projections enable us to imagine a huge bar that goes through the earth and provide a visual cue that someone is responding to your actions on the pole.